Home-made or store bought? Nothing quite beats making your very own pasta or bread. The results will always elicit hearty congratulations, no matter what type of pasta you are making.
To create wonderful masterpieces, there are a couple of secrets to follow, though. What to do and what not to do when making homemade. Like the type of flour used for making pasta.
The type of flour you use can deliver coarse texture, rougher texture, smoother texture, bouncy texture, and vastly different types of pasta. You will need a clean work surface, a good fresh pasta recipe, the right flour, and a pinch of salt.
Use the Best Ingredients for Significant Results
The most authentic Italian masterpieces steer you towards using type 00 flour. We also refer to this graded flour as doppio zero flour or tipo 00 flour. Many pizza, bread, and pasta recipes call for the use of 00 flour.
What is Doppio Zero Flour, and What Should I Know About It?
Doppio zero flour is finely ground wheat flour. The result is a very fine powdery flour, like baby powder. We use this flour to make traditional pizza and pasta doughs. Baking these at high temperatures results in a crisp dough with just enough chewiness.
Interesting 00 Flour Facts
They make 00 flour in Italy. Millers grind the flour to a fine powdery consistency. It is the most popular flour used for making genuine Italian recipes like pizza and pasta.
- 00 flour contains a range of gluten levels.
- In North America, they grade wheat flour by its protein content.
- In Europe, they grade flour according to the fineness or coarseness of the grind.
- Flour gets graded from 2 to 00. 2 is a coarser texture, and 00 is the finest.
- The finest flour produces a silky dough. The result is a soft baked product.
Do Not Use 00 Flour for Gluten-Free Baking
00 flour contains gluten. You cannot use 00 flour to make gluten-free pasta. 00 flour (such as Caputo flour) contains almost 12.5% protein. When the protein comes into contact with water, it becomes gluten.
What Other Flours Can I Use Besides 00 Flour for Pasta?
The best flour for pasta making besides 00 flour is ordinary white flour. The reason is the protein content is not dissimilar to that of 00 flour. By white flour we mean all-purpose flour, or bread flour. The protein content in these flours is between 12 & 13%.
- The protein content in cake and pastry flour is a bit too low for successful pasta making. The reason is it has a low gluten percentage.
- Bread flour is a good flour option for pizza and pasta making. The result is a pleasant, elastic dough.
- You can successfully mix flours and still get an excellent result.
- 00 durum wheat flour is also great for making pasta.
Where Does 00 Flour Originate From?
00 flour is a centuries-old Italian flour. They use no refrigeration once they produce the doughs. Fermentation usually takes place at room temperature for bread and pizza creations.
The finer grind from these flours enables the flour to ferment for longer periods. The flour absorbs less liquid, which produces the best results.
There are 5 Key 00 Flour Varietals
The 5 different 00 flour varietals include:
- Semolina (this is a hard, durum wheat flour)
- Whole wheat flour
- Pastry flour
- Pizza flour
- High-protein flour
These 5 different 00 flour varietals are all available with a 00 grind size. Although we mill all 00 flours the same way, their protein levels differ. Pizza flour, for example, could have a protein content of 11.5%. This makes it similar to all-purpose flour. It is ideal for quick cooking and short fermentation times.
Other 00 flours have varying amounts of protein. The result is a variation in absorption. Hydration levels differ between the different flour varieties.
The 2 most prominent 00 flour brands in Italy are the 5 Stagioni and Caputo varietals. There are a wide range of brands, each with their own distinguishing features.
Tips for Cooking with 00 Flour. What Works and What Doesn’t.
There are 3 key factors to consider when cooking with 00 flour. These are hydration of the dough, and fermentation time (mostly for pizza making), and the cooking temperature. The best flour used will create crispy crusts.
The lower the hydration level in the dough for pizza cooking, the better the result.
Stone Ground Flour
Stone Ground Flour History. When Did It All Begin?
Man has made flour for thousands of years using the stone ground method. The new culinary buzzword today is stone ground. Stone ground is making a huge comeback.
The art of grinding flour using ancient stone mills is enchanting enthusiasts. Millers today are still operating some of the ancient stone mills. Often these mills also function as water wheels.
The Ancient Egyptians Used a Pestle and Mortar
The ancient Egyptians ground wheat into flour. They used the primitive stone pestle and mortar method. Later on, the pestle and mortar method developed into a newer method. They used 2 stones, one on top of the other. A handle was then used to turn the top stone.
The Greeks and Romans Also Played a Role
The ancient Greeks and Romans played an important role in flour milling. Their method is the stone-ground flour method we use today.
The first mill using rollers was created in 1870. These rollers moved at varying speeds to grind the wheat into flour.
The popularity of water- and wind-powered mills increased in Europe. They produced the flour by pouring grain into an upper stone (the runner). They then distributed the grain across bottom stones (the sleeper).
Fine Stone Ground Flour Today
- Some artisan bakeries are creating their own mills for grinding flour. Flour is as sought after as fine wine and gourmet chocolate in our modern world.
- There are no rules and restrictions when grinding stone-ground flour. The health benefits of stone milling are many.
- When sourcing flour from manufacturers and commercial mills, find out about milling practices. It’s surprising how they differ from the organic method.
- Buying flour from organic farmers’ markets is a great place to source your flour. The farmers will often give you the rundown about their milling practices.
Why the Move Towards Stone Ground in Modern Times?
- Stone ground flours are more nutritionally sound, more so than other flour types like bleached cake flour. The reason is the flavourful bran and germ are still intact.
- The taste of stone ground flour, for some, might seem a little too powerful compared to mild soft wheat flour.
- The bran content in stone-ground flour assists with raising agents for baked goods.
- Stone-ground flours do not keep indefinitely and spoil quickly. This is because of the high fat content in the bran and germ.
- Stone-ground is best used from 3 to 6 months after milling. Certain mills put the date of milling on their bags.
5 Stone Ground Flour FAQS
1. Does stone-ground flour have GMOs?
Stone-ground flour is 100% GMO free (genetically modified food).
2. Do millers bleach stone-ground flour?
This practice is illegal. The answer is thus not, as it is 100% natural.
3. Why is stone-ground flour different from other types of flour?
We refer to stone-ground flour as any wheat flour where we grind the whole wheat kernels with stone mills, keeping all the good stuff intact.
4. Which recipes would you find a call for stone-ground flour?
Most artisanal bread recipes and pasta dishes use stone ground flour. The result is a coarser texture than other types of flours.
5. What makes stone ground flour stand out amongst other flours?
The germ and bran from the kernels are kept intact. Although the whole wheat kernels do vary. Stone-ground flour is coarse with larger particles than other types of flour. Flour ground this way is a lot coarser than flours ground from roller mills.
Stone Ground vs Roller-Milled. Is One Better to Use?
Some stone-ground results are better than roller-milled flour. Yet at other times, it works the other way around. Sometimes you can use both combined. For example, try both when baking rusks, bread, and pies.
Blending flours could make it easy when making dough. You can have the best results when playing with flavours. Enjoy the combination of well-behaved doughs with a great texture when using roller-milled flour. And get enhanced flavours and health benefits from grain flour.
Health Benefits of Stone-Ground Flour
Stone-ground methods avoid the overheating and dehydration of roller-mill flours. The method used is gentle, keeping all the nutrients and wheat germ. The result is a natural and unique sourdough. Get the best results from slow fermentation.
- Not only does this method aid digestion, but the flavour is also unique and nutty. You won’t achieve this any other way.
- We derive most of the health benefits of natural stone-ground during the milling process. Because the stones remain cold, they keep the nutrients intact.
- This is unlike flours milled in industrial mills. Many of the nutrients are destroyed and burnt during the harsh milling processes.
- We find a high concentration of vitamin E in wheat germ. The nutritional value of stone-ground flour is high. The reasons are they keep vitamin E intact.
- Other health benefits of eating stone-ground bread are that lowers blood sugar levels. It also lowers cholesterol levels.
- Having a diet with a low GI (Glycaemic Index) encourages weight loss. The reduction in the harmful body fats is a healthier option for diabetics. It is also a healthier option for sufferers of cardiovascular diseases.
Do You Get Various Kinds of Stone-Ground Flour?
Yes, various types of stone ground flour exist. Aside from the different brands of pasta flour, you can also find the following stone ground types:
Spelt Stone-Ground Flour
One of the oldest crops we find in our history books is stone-ground spelt flour. We find evidence of spelt stone-ground as far back as 7,000 years.
It is saturated in good carbs. It also has high levels of dietary fibre and protein. These all help to lower cholesterol levels.
You will find traces of vitamin B6 and folic acid in spelt. You will also find high levels of iron and copper. It is ideal for sufferers of digestive issues and wheat intolerance.
Wholemeal Wheat Flour
The key difference between white flour and wholemeal flour lies in the fibre content. The dietary fibre in the flour is beneficial to lowering high cholesterol levels. It is also beneficial for weight loss.
Wholemeal flour comprises vitamins B3, 1, and 5. It is a healthier option than white flour. The reason is it has a lower GI content.
Khorasan Wheat Flour
This ancient wheat flour originates from Iran. The flour has a nutty flavour. Grains are much larger than modern-day wheat flours.
This flour is high in magnesium and zinc. The magnesium is important for the healthy function of the thyroid gland. It is also beneficial for bone health.
So Why Make Your Very Own Pasta?